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This year the conference will take place in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre; a state-of-the-art venue in the heart of one of the world’s most historic and enchanting cities.

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Call for workshops

On the 27th and 28th June pre-conference workshops and tutorials will be organized. All workshops and tutorials will be open to all conference participants at no additional cost.

Workshops with participatory aspects will be preferred over straight lectures. The tutorials and workshops should be led by recognised experts in the material to be taught.

Each workshop or tutorial may be proposed for a single 90-minute session. A typical conference participant may register for up to four 90-minute workshops or tutorials during the workshop day. A half-hour coffee break will occur in the middle of the morning and in the middle of the afternoon with a lunch break at mid-day. Some workshops may be invited to be offered twice during the day to avoid conflicts with other popular concurrent workshops. Instructors are unpaid.

Facilities for Workshops

All workshop rooms will be arranged in classroom style and have tables for participants where they may place laptop computers. All rooms are provided with standard computer projectors for instructors. Wireless computer access is available for instructors and students but exercises or materials on CDs are highly advisable. Participants will be advised to bring a PC in the event that hands-on computer exercises are utilized by instructors. Rooms will be sufficiently sized to handle the pre-enrolled participants as well as any last minute enrollees.

Submission Requirements

If you are interested in submitting a workshop proposal, please provide the following information:

1. Proposed Workshop Title
2. Organizer/Contact Person (name, title, address, country, phone, fax, e-mail)
3. Workshop Description and Goals (250 words or less suitable for posting on the web. Please include in the description if the session will involve lecture, hands-on exercises, group exercises, etc., whether any take-home materials will be supplied and indicate whether participants should bring a laptop computer or anything else to the workshop.)
4. Workshop Topics (90 Minutes)
5. Tentative Workshop Instructor(s) (list name, title, affiliation and indicate whether confirmed at this time)
6. Intended Audience and any Required Skills or Interests (technicians, managers, policymakers, etc., whether introductory or advanced, what skills if any participants should possess)

Attendees will be asked to evaluate the quality of content and instruction of each workshop.

Submission guidelines