SPAD: Scottish Palaeoecological Archive Database



This page contains links to related archaeological sites or other sites which may be of benefit to archaeological research.

Archaeological WWW Sites

Historic Environment Scotland is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland's historic environment.
NABO the North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation is an interdisciplinary, international, non-governmental regional research cooperative that works to serve scholars interested in the interactions of humans and changing landscapes across this broad and critical region.


SWAD The Scottish Wetlands Archaeological Database (SWAD) is an Historic Scotland (HS) commissioned project designed primarily to produce a fuller understanding of the potential of Scottish wetland archaeology. As it now stands there are over 6,000 records in the database.
Tephrabase is a tephrochronological database for Iceland and north west Europe

Other related sites

School of GeoSciences University of Edinburgh