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GIIDA and SINAnet Partnership: the Italian System of Systems to connect research and environmental monitoring activities

Nico Bonora, Paolo Mazzetti, Michele Munafò and Stefano Nativi

(Submission #254)

Short Summary (will be published on INSPIRE Conference website)

The partnership between ISPRA – SINAnet (National Environmental Information System Network) and CNR - GIIDA (Gestione Integrata ed Interoperativa dei Dati Ambientali) builds upon the results of a re-engineering process applied to existing Italian national and local infrastructures in order to contribute to the realization of a National System of Systems (SoS) and connect environmental monitoring and scientific researches. This partnership aims to contribute to the environmental knowledge providing a single access point for the national environmental information.

To do that, some pilot projects are ongoing to demonstrate how Public Administrations can support scientific researches by providing their monitoring information through a catalog of federated resources and related access services. These research results provided by the use of monitoring data will be, in turn, made available through the national SoS, advantaging scientists and researchers by increasing information re-use and benefiting the Public Administration with the research outcomes.

The target infrastructure is also conceived as an effective and sustainable contribution to the national implementation of INSPIRE and GEO/GEOSS, fulfilling the Directive requirements and both the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles and the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) requirements.


Submission Type:  Poster presentation proposal
Submission Category:  INSPIRE and the global context: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, Global Earth Observation System of Systems, SEIS,


[Abstract (DOC)]  

START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 895)