Surnames beginning with "R"

Select any name to display a section of the family tree, showing the position of your selected individual relative to their parents, grandparents and any children.

NameDate of Birth
Rattray/Andrew Walker
Rattray/Gertrude Martin (Miss) 02/04/1904
Rattray/Helen 20/12/1935
Rawle/Craig Andrew 27/09/1985
Rawle/Graham John 23/09/1955
Rawle/Haley Susan 20/03/1982
Rawle/John Stephen 05/07/1984
Rawle/Tina 02/04/1980
Reese/Anthony (Tony) (Lieut-Col) ?
Reffell/Dennis Frederick 04/08/1929
Reffell/Peter Charles 12/02/1953
Ritchie/Alexander ?
Ritchie/Ann (Annie) ~1844
Ritchie/Mary Hetherington (Heather) 16/03/1951
Roberts/Jean ?
Robertson/Andrew ?
Robertson/Anne ?
Robertson/Cameron ~1977
Robertson/Dorothy ?
Robertson/Emma Margaret 23/02/1987
Robertson/Gordon 21/02/1956
Robertson/Jamie Nicol 24/10/1984
Robertson/John ?
Robertson/Kenneth 10/09/1958
Robertson/Kenneth ~1981
Robertson/Kenneth ~1922
Robertson/Laura Anne 17/06/1985
Robertson/Philip Martin 14/03/1928
Robertson/Sarah Jane 23/06/1989
Robertson/Susan Elizabeth 04/06/1987

This web page was published on:  20/06/2001 at 15:12:26
This family tree was prepared by:  Bruce M. Gittings