SWAD: Scottish Wetlands Archaeological Database


Grid Reference Search

Select sites by geographical area using eight figure Ordnance Survey grid references to define the south-west and north-east corners of the area. If you want to find all of the sites within a parish, do not use the Class and Class Type criteria.

If you wish, you can limit your search by selecting particular types of archaeology use the one of the two optional criteria. First enter the grid references. The class field is the type of record. For example, if you would like to find all of the bronze axes, type in "bronze axes", or all of the axes just type in "axe". The Class Type is the classification of records into broad groups. Choose either, but not both of these two extra criteria.

Select sites by geographical area using eight figure OS grid references to define the south-west and north-east corners of the area. Use Class or Class Type if you wish to refine your search.

Enter the coordinates of the south-west corner of the search box:  (e.g. NY262737)
Enter the coordinates of the north-east corner of the search box:  (e.g. NO463786)
Class:  (optional)
Class Type:  (optional)