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Burned areas were classified for the period 2006 -2015 inclusive. This included calculating the day by which each pixel burned.

These images show the burnt areas for the last 10 years burn_extents_animation

Table 4: 2006-2015 10 Year Average Burn Scar Extent,

by Area and Percentage of Land Cover Class where Burn Occurred


Land Class

Deep River

Payne's Creek

Swasey Bladen

Study Area


Mean area (Km2) (σ/µ)

32.29 (0.37)

15.88 (0.64)

21.39 (0.41)

127.31 (0.30)

Mean percentage area (σ)

32% (12%)

31% (20%)

42% (17%)

37% (11%)


Mean area (Km2) (σ/µ)

8.29 (0.59)

7.98 (0.59)

1.85 (0.42)

109.09 (0.40)

Mean percentage area (σ)

5% (3%)

9% (3%)

20% (8%)

7% (3%)


Mean area (Km2) (σ/µ)

40.58 (0.35)

23.86 (0.67)

23.24 (0.4)

236.40 (0.31)

Mean percentage area (σ)

15% (5%)

17% (11%)

39% (15%)

13% (4%)

2006 Burnt Extent
2007 Burnt Extent
2008 Burnt Extent
2009 Burnt Extent
2010 Burnt Extent
2011 Burnt Extent
2012 Burnt Extent
2013 Burnt Extent
2014 Burnt Extent
2015 Burnt Extent
This image shows burn frequency for the last ten years. It is to scale at A3
inter annual frequency
Last year an area burnt. It is to scale at A3
inter annual frequency