Computing Projects Summary

Research Projects

Java based Swing implementation of a slider block automaton to invesitgate the limits on earthquake predictability.

Discrete Element Model (DEM) for investigating feedbacks and thresholds between erosion and tectonic forcing in mountain building.

Discrete Element Model investigation into segregation of different size particles in a gravity driven granular flow.

A statistical model to determine the partial cloud cover over a region using visible and infra-red geostationary METOSAT satellite data.

Minor Projects

Helium diffusion model to predict (U-Th)/He ages in apatite for a given thermal history.

Simple post processing thin bed correction applied to data from an automated prediction of lithofacies.

Web-based Projects

Animations presented in this website organised using JavaScript to allow an interactive comparison of animations.

Web-pages on this site are auto-generated and updated using Perl script.

Design and maintance of group web-site using css stylesheets and JavaScript.

Accessibility work on departmental websites.

Techniques Employed

  • Java based, Swing implemented research projects
  • Use of Perl to postprocess data and manage website.
  • Development using Fortran
  • css style sheets to format webpage, increasing accessibility
  • JavaScript to create an interactive web-research environment
  • Maintainance of personal Linux system
  • Images generated using GMT