SWAD: Scottish Wetlands Archaeological Database


Environmental Searches

All of the searches available from here enable wetland archeaological sites with particular types of soil to be searched. It is also possible to locate those sites with environmental or archaeological protection. For example you can find records which are within SSSIs, ESAs or Designated Landscape Areas and those affected by a structure plan or those sites which are scheduled. This data is only available for 101 records at the moment.

Details about the NEW ArcMap and ArcView compatibility of the SWAD are available here.

Note that this database is linked to the SPA Database and it is also possible to search for palaeoecological sites close to wetland archaeological records. This option is available under the Soil, Land Cover and Status information which is displayed once the details on a particular record are listed.

Soil type: Search for archaeological records with particular types of soil
Record Status/Protection: Search for archaeological records whose sites are protected by environmental and archaeological legistation