SWAD: Scottish Wetlands Archaeological Database



Neolithic wooden platform, Stirlingshire

This project was initiated in 1995, following the successful compilation of the archaeological database for the Scottish raised bogs by Centre for Field Archaeology (CFA) in 1995 for Historic Scotland (HS) and the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT). The project was then extended to include information across the whole range of the Scottish wetlands. This database was completed in by CFA in 1997 (Clarke, 1997). The database was used successfully by AOC Archaeology Group (AOC) in 1998 as part of an Historic Scotland (HS) commissioned project designed primarily to produce a fuller understanding of the potential of Scottish wetland archaeology (Ellis, 1999).

Funding and hosting of database

This project is funded by Historic Scotland and the database and web pages are hosted on a server at the Institute of Geography, School of GeoScience, the Universitry of Edinburgh.

Principal Investigators

Ciara Clarke: AOC Archaeology Group
  Project co-ordination and data editing
Clare Ellis: AOC Archaeology Group
  Project co-ordination and data editing
Bruce Gittings: Institute of Geography, School of GeoScience, University of Edinburgh
  Technical database and web assistance
Anthony Newton: Institute of Geography, School of GeoScience, University of Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh
  Database and web design and implimentation and initial data editing


Clarke, C.M. and Finlayson, W. (1995) Scottish archaeological database for the raised bogs. CFA Technical Report No. 199.

Clarke, C.M. (1997) Archaeogical database for the Scottish Wetlands. CFA Report 298.

Ellis, C. (1999) Archaeological Assessment of the Scottish Wetlands. Unpublished report for Historic Scotland.