SPAD: Scottish Palaeoecological Archive Database


This project has been undertaken by the then Department of Archaeology and the Department of Geography at the University of Edinburgh, and sponsored by Historic Scotland. Two major stages were involved in the compilation of the SPA Database. The first stage involved the construction of a site index database (The Scottish Palaeoecological Site Index) designed for use by a researcher on their own PC. The second stage included the conversion of SPSI to comprise a multi-user database, accessable through the web and the addition of substantially greater detail to the data records themselves.

The original Project Managers and Principal Investigators were:
Bruce Gittings (System Design and Implementation, Department of Geography)
Geraint Coles (Data Collation and Editing, Department of Archaeology)
Patrick Ashmore (Project Initiation, Historic Scotland)

Richard Tipping (University of Stirling) was a project consultant, and was a principal investigator during the initial (SPSI) phase of the project – much of the initial impetus for this work comes from his report (with Professor John Lowe, 1994) for Scottish Natural Heritage on the need for a palaeoecological archive.
Bill Finlayson of the Centre for Field Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, was responsible for the initial contract and financial management.
System Design and Implementation:
Anthony Newton (SPA Database Design and Web Implementation and subsequent Principal Investigator)
Tim Hodges (SPSI Database Design and Implementation)
Alistair Bradbrook (SPA Pilot Implementation)
Seth Finegan (GIS Integration)
Data Collation and Editing:
Paula Milburn (SPA and SPSI)
Simon Wyatt (SPSI)
Other valuable contributions from:
Roelf Dapper
Philip Immirzi (Scottish Natural Heritage)